What to Do When you Feel Stuck
Heather Thom Breakup Blog what to do if you feel stuck

It can be easy to feel like we’re in a rut when we go through the daily routines of life. We wake up, we go to work, we get stuck in traffic, we come home, we drown ourselves with Netflix and Instagram, we go to bed.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

It may not seem like it’s a big deal, but being stuck in a rut can prevent us from being motivated, from learning new things, from spending time with others, and from being creative. We can also become ungrateful of all the wonderful things in our lives and we start to compare ourselves to the great and amazing things we see others doing on social media. Stop comparing yourself and take control of your life. Here’s what to do when you feel stuck:

1) Reestablish your purpose:

Get clear on your goal and what you’re working towards. It can be getting fit, eating healthy, learning a new skill, saving money; literally anything you want! However, it’s also crucial to understand and remind yourself why it’s important to you – get clear about this!

2) Change your routine and habits to spice up your life:

Again, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut and one of the most simplest ways of getting out of that is changing your routine. Wake up at new time, have a new workout routine, read an inspiring book, go our for a walk; organize an exciting new schedule for the week so it’s not the same boring thing everyday. You can also change your environment, room, etc. by de-cluttering or getting new furniture or plants. Change your environment, change your mindset.

3) Make an inspiration/dream board:

Post photos that make you happy and photos that inspire you. You may have a specific goal or dream in mind, make it visible to you every day so you won’t forget your why. 

4) Write down your future life:

Journal in the evening or in the morning, whichever floats your boat. Just remember to be specific and write as if “this is what is going to happen” not “this is what I want”. Writing our intentions down every day can help our mindsets shift towards more positive and creative ways of thinking and to keep us motivated. For more tips on journaling, check out my blog post 4 Simple Ways to Start Journaling.

Knowing what to do when you feel stuck and having clear action plans to help you move forward will help you focus on your purpose and why it’s important to you. Want extra support? Feel free to book a counselling session with me!

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Heather Thom Breakup Counsellor

Hello there, I’m Heather! I’m a Breakup Counsellor and Coach here to help you navigate the messy world of heartbreak with a little bit of sass and a whole lot of love. As a registered counsellor and queen of self-care, I’m all about helping you heal and find your inner Beyoncé (or whoever your spirit icon may be). Let’s get through this breakup together!

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