Fun Tips to Mend a Broken Heart
Heather Thom Breakup Blog Fun Tips to Mend a Broken Heart

Breakups are never easy. In fact, the downright suck!

Aside from spending time with friends and going out, sometimes we want to be alone in order to fully process and heal from the split. It can be impossible to think of fun breakup tips to help mend your broken heart, but that’s why I put together my own personal breakup survival list that helped me get through this difficult time.

From my heart to yours, here’s my 10 fun breakup tips to help mend your broken heart:

Fun Breakup Mend a Broken Heart Tip #1: Smashy Smashy Plate

Buy a white plate (it doesn’t have to be fancy or cost a lot) and use a black sharpie to write everything that annoyed you about your ex. Once you’re done, find a safe place to smash the crap outta it! Who doesn’t like to break things? (Please be responsible with disposing the broken pieces).

Fun Breakup Mend a Broken Heart Tip #2: Favorite Candy/ Ice Cream

Have a calorie fest! It’s okay to stuff your face with candy and ice cream! But give yourself a limit.
I only allowed myself to eat all the junk food I wanted for one whole day. Then, I focused on eating more healthy alternatives, such as fruit and vegetables. Foods that have natural sugar will still give you energy, boosts your mood, and is good for you. After all, the important thing here is to take care of you.

Your diet and body, shouldn’t have to suffer because of some idiot who broke your heart.

Fun Breakup Mend a Broken Heart Tip #3: Booze it Up.

Sometimes you just need to drink. Vodka. Whiskey. Gin. Wine.
I honestly didn’t start drinking until after my first breakup! For me, it was just a phase and I’ve pretty much stopped drinking completely now. If you’re going to drink, do it responsibly and know that it’s not going to solve anything in the long run. It may make you feel good temporarily, but you’ll feel like shit the afterwards.
I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m just saying, you’ve been warned.

Fun Breakup Mend a Broken Heart Tip #4 Chick Flicks –anything to make you cry

Spend a night watching chick flicks. Cry. Laugh. Scream at the TV. My top choices for bawling my eyes out:
He’s Just Not that Into You
A Walk to Remember
Crazy, Stupid, Love (Topless Ryan Gosling always helps)

Fun Breakup Mend a Broken Heart Tip #5: Lush Bath Stuff

I absolutely LOVE Lush products! Treat yourself to some bath bombs, bath melts, bubble bars… you name it, you deserve it! Burrow yourself under a blanket of bubbles, relax, bring your favorite magazine or book, turn on some spa music, and allow yourself to drift into a luxurious bliss.

Fun Breakup Mend a Broken Heart Tip #6: Music List

When I was going through my breakups, I compiled a music list that flowed through every emotion that I was experiencing. It allowed me to feel the emotions without having to get stuck in it for too long. Here’s the tunes from my list to help get you started or you can find a mix on Spotify:
• Adele: Rolling in the Deep
• Beyoncé: Irreplaceable
• Taylor Swift: We are Never Getting Back Together
• Rhianna: Take a Bow
• Goyte: Somebody that I Used to Know
• P!nk: So What

Fun Breakup Mend a Broken Heart Tip #7: Journal

Give your friends a break and write your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Write down everything that’s on your mind about the breakup and be honest about your feelings. Once you’re all done, be ready to close that book and realize that you’re in charge of the next chapter in your life. If you need extra support, grab my Guided Journal “Heal Your Heart in 30 Days” to fast track your breakup recovery process!

Fun Breakup Mend a Broken Heart Tip #8: Get A New Look

Do something that will increase your confidence! Need some new clothes? Go shopping! Want a new look? Get a haircut (no breakup bangs)! Buy some wicked new nail polish and try it out! Trying something new will help pave the way towards a brand new future.

Fun Breakup Mend a Broken Heart Tip #9: Treat Your Body Right

Exercise, exercise, exercise! Studies have shown that moving your body helps release feel good brain chemicals, gain confidence, takes your mind off worries, and helps you to cope with adversity in a healthy way.

Fun Breakup Mend a Broken Heart Tip #10: Keep your Mind Stimulated

I know it can be hard to focus on anything else if the only thing you want to do is wallow in your sadness. Sometimes, it’s okay to wallow, just don’t get stuck in it. But believe me, the best way to change your mood, is to change what you’re thinking about. Try to focus on something more rewarding for you. Read a book, buy some girly magazines, or learn a new language. Anything that will keep your mind occupied and invested in your mental well-being.

But in all seriousness, mending a broken heart takes time and intention effort to heal. If you want individualized support, feel free to book an appointment with yours truly!

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Heather Thom Breakup Counsellor

Hello there, I’m Heather! I’m a Breakup Counsellor and Coach here to help you navigate the messy world of heartbreak with a little bit of sass and a whole lot of love. As a registered counsellor and queen of self-care, I’m all about helping you heal and find your inner Beyoncé (or whoever your spirit icon may be). Let’s get through this breakup together!

Heal Your Heart in 30 Days

A Guided Journal

Grab 50-pages of powerful prompts, a self-care planner, a list of breakup boundaries, mood tracker + list of emotions & SO MUCH MORE!

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