Communication Tips for a Stronger Relationship
Heather Thom Breakup Blog Communication Tips for a Stronger Relationship

As a breakup counsellor, I’ve seen firsthand how communication plays a pivotal role in building and maintaining healthy relationships. I’ve also seen how poor communication can lead to ongoing issues, create resentment, and even a breakup. Speaking your mind in your relationship is essential, but it’s not always a walk in the park. Sometimes, expressing your thoughts and feelings can be tricky and daunting, especially when you’re afraid to hurt your partner’s feelings or trigger an argument. But, fret not! I’ve got you covered! In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my top 5 communication tips for a stronger relationship!

Speak Your Truth Without Accusations

One of the most common mistakes people make when expressing their thoughts and feelings is using “you” statements. For example, instead of saying, “I feel hurt when this happens,” they might say, “You always do this, and it makes me feel hurt.” This can come across as accusatory and can cause your partner to become defensive.

On the other hand, “I” statements are a more effective way to communicate your thoughts and feelings. “I” statements allow you to take ownership of your emotions without blaming or accusing your partner. For example, “I feel hurt when this happens” is a much better way of expressing your feelings without putting your partner on the defensive.

It’s important to note that “I” statements don’t just apply to negative emotions. You can also use them to express positive feelings. For example, instead of saying, “You make me happy,” try saying, “I feel happy when we spend time together.” This way, you’re still expressing your feelings without putting the focus entirely on your partner. Check out my video which goes in depth about how to properly use “I” statements. 

Master the Art of Listening (And Responding)

Communication is not just about expressing your thoughts and feelings; it’s also about listening to your partner. Active listening means being fully present in the conversation and giving your partner your full attention. When your partner is speaking, avoid interrupting or planning your response. Instead, listen attentively and try to understand their perspective.

It’s also important to respond thoughtfully to what your partner is saying. You can do this by repeating what they’ve said to show that you’re listening and understanding. For example, ” I hear you saying that you feel frustrated when I forget to do the dishes.” This communication tip can help you avoid misunderstandings and show your partner that you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say.

Protect Your Boundaries (And Your Sanity)

Setting boundaries is a crucial part of any healthy relationship. Boundaries are limits that you set to protect your emotional and physical well-being. They’re necessary because they help you maintain your autonomy and prevent your partner from crossing the line.

When setting boundaries, it’s critical to be clear about what you’re comfortable with and what you’re not. For example, if you don’t like it when your partner texts you constantly throughout the day, let them know that you need space. It’s also essential to respect your partner’s boundaries and to communicate your own in a way that’s respectful and considerate.

Boundaries can take many forms, from setting limits on how much time you spend together to defining what behaviours are and are not acceptable. Whatever your boundaries are, make sure they’re clear and that you communicate them openly and honestly with your partner.

Ditch Sarcasm and Passive-Aggressiveness

Sarcasm and passive-aggressiveness might seem like harmless forms of humour, but they can damage your relationship. Sarcasm, in particular, can come across as hurtful and dismissive. According to Gottman’s research, sarcasm is a form of contempt, which is the #1 predictor of breakups and divorce. Alternatively, passive-aggressiveness can cause your partner to feel misunderstood and frustrated.

When you’re upset, you should express your feelings directly and honestly. Avoid using sarcasm or passive-aggressiveness as a way to avoid conflict or to express your emotions indirectly. Instead, be straightforward about what’s bothering you, and articulate yourself in a way that’s respectful and constructive.

Embrace Vulnerability to Strengthen Your Connection

Last but not least, honesty is always the best policy. Be honest about your thoughts and feelings, even if they’re uncomfortable. Being direct and straightforward can prevent misunderstandings and avoid any unnecessary drama in your relationship. Don’t shy away from expressing how you feel. Remember, healthy communication is the key to a happy and fulfilling relationship.

Effective communication is fundamental to a healthy and happy relationship. Remember, speaking your mind is necessary, but how you say it matters most. Use “I” statements, practice active listening, set boundaries, avoid sarcasm and passive-aggressiveness, and be honest and direct. By following these communication tips, you’ll be able to strengthen your relationship and communicate your needs in a healthy and constructive way.

Want more communication tips for a stronger relationship? Book an appointment with yours truly!

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Heather Thom Breakup Counsellor

Hello there, I’m Heather! I’m a Breakup Counsellor and Coach here to help you navigate the messy world of heartbreak with a little bit of sass and a whole lot of love. As a registered counsellor and queen of self-care, I’m all about helping you heal and find your inner Beyoncé (or whoever your spirit icon may be). Let’s get through this breakup together!

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